Penetration Testing

Also known as Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing takes you into the next level of security insight by letting you see your network from a rare perspective – from the eyes of the hacker.

Mangold Security uses industry leading network scanning and penetration tools to test your network in a controlled and protected environment. Professional penetration testing is conducted in a manner that ensures the attacks don’t inadvertently cause outages or breaches.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Web Applications have a very critical role in every organization. Creating custom software and web applications is necessary for many businesses to succeed, and it is important that your business tools are secure. Mangold Security till test your in-house software to exploit any vulnerabilities, and will provide you with a detailed assessment to keep your critical systems safe and secure.

External Network Penetration Testing

An external network penetration test will examine your network from the outside to exploit any vulnerabilities that are open to the outside world. Using specialized scanning software, external vulnerabilities can be found and exploited remotely from anywhere in the world.

The internet is always changing, and these days it’s essential for a company to be available online. The Mangold Security Team works beyond automated scanning as our dedicated security professionals take a on-hands approach to provide you with a detailed security roadmap, giving you the best chance to defend yourself on the web.

Internal Network Penetration Test

Your internal data is the heart of your organization, and it’s important to keep that safe. With an Internal Network Penetration Test, a Mangold Security Technician will act as an attacker on your internal network. Once on the inside, Mangold Security will focus on what could be exploited if a hacker was to get internal access to your network. Things such as:

  • Employee Credentials
  • Database Information
  • Financial Information

Physical Penetration Testing

Physical Security gives a business peace-of-mind that a malicious attacker cannot physically get to their systems. This is why it is important to test your Physical Security. Using special tools, social engineering, and a bit of whit, a trained Mangold Security Technician will test any critical aspects of your physical security.


Each of these test types can be combined or executed separately to give your organization a better idea of how you would fare against a real-world attack. Contact us today to schedule a penetration test on your organization!

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